Sergey P. Vorobyov

A physicist, expert in
holography, Ph. D. of technical sciences, speciality – “Optics”. He has been
studying holography since the 2-nd year of the university. During 30 years of his work,
took part in the development of the main directions of applied holography – hologram
manufacturing on silver-halide photo- materials, hologram production on dichromate
gelatine, manufacturing of holograms for information system, “rainbow” and color
holograms and etc. Sergey P. Vorobyov was a member of the commission on industrial
introduction of photoplates for holography – PFG-01, PFG-02, PFG-03, PFG-04 – at the
“Slavich” factory. He took part in testing these plates and optimization of the
manufacturing process.
You can contact Sergey
P. Vorobyov using "Contact" section.