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Query language description
search is provided for all pages of the web site. Keywords should be written with
commas or spaces between them. Capital or small letters in keywords - it is not impotant.
The search mode
"AND" means, that search engine will find files which contain all keywords. The
search type "OR" means, that engine will find all files which contain at least
one keyword. In any search mode, sign "+" before keyword means, that this
keyword should be in result pages. In order to exclude word from results, put
"-" before keyword, for example: "+light -laser".
Usually, search engine
returns any page with keywords. For example, if you ask "port", it will find all
pages with words "port", "important",
"portrait", "sport", "report"
and so on. If you wish to find exact word, put exclamation after keyword, like
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