Art of the holography (3)

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Art of holography

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Several images can be written down on the same hologram, which have different angles of supervision and, therefore, they will occur one after another while hologram move (the multi-channel hologram). It is already used in group portraits shooting.
On the hologram, as however, on a photo, several images can be recorded, but in a photo all of them merge in one plane, in the hologram they can be separated in space. This technology was already used in experiments on artistic holography, where object was placed behind the curtain of water drops.
Using optical transformations, it is possible to carry out conform transformation of the images of objects, and we can suppose, that there will be opportunities to record objects with such transformations. It is possible to do it in a usual photography, but on three-dimensional media these opportunities will reach another amazing level.

Colour hologram
This image is property
of Yves Gentet's studio
"Ultimate Holography".

Here are some words about colour. The colour in holography is generated completely otherwise, than in a photo. Colour on a photo is generated by special colour paints, that are not reliable enough at present. Therefore it isn't desirable to keep photos under a light. Besides, all colour schemes, based on colour separation are not ideal (when real colour is simulated by a set of some three colours, sometimes with the additive fourth - black). The experts on colour schemes know, that any device based on colour separation, including a TV set or colour printer, can not display correctly all set of colours. There are no paints in the hologram. The colour hologram is made on a usual holographic black-and-white photoplate. The colour is formed here because of interference of white light on spatial system of interference strips and layers. Therefore colour hologram does not fade and, theoretically, should not have restrictions on quality of colour presentation.
At present, technology of colour holography has not left yet limits of experimental laboratories, but there is a hope, that in the coming years it will become more accessible.

Holography as a fine art

Only theoretically hologram can display any real or virtual object. But technology of hologram manufacturing, not to speak about the future holograms, synthesized in the supercomputer, extremely binds the hologram with real objects.

If we talk about holography of flowers or compositions, then the area of creativity here is in the work of the master of composition, but hologram acts only as a perfect recorder.

If we talk about portrait holography, it is possible to name this work as art, because the artistic result is determined just by art of shooting, and there is no trivial recording of already existing reality.

The opportunity to record several images located at different supervision angles and at different sites in volume of the hologram, has become the powerful creative tool in holography.

Artistic holography is in the beginning of its way and its opportunities are not completely opened. Artists in many holographic studios think out the fantastic projects, which sometimes require the new decisions of technologies and equipment, and that is driving force of a science. Holography as the art shows itself as synthesis of an optical science and art creativity, in which many creative plans require joint work of the scientists, designers and artists.-->